
Thursday, 30 May 2013


Just two days left until June officially starts, but spring ahs yet to arrive. At the end of April I thought that I could have worn my sandals and shorts and summer dresses already, but the weather is saying no. It’s been raining here for the past 4 days (without any breaks). That’s why I decided to do a perfect-shoe-for-x-y-weather tag.
I don’t want to go out with beautiful shoes when it’s raining and have wet feet five minutes later, because my shoes are soaked.
Without further ado here they are, the perfect rainy weather shoes:
a pair of white Dr.Martens for going into the city or anywhere else without getting wet feet
a pair of Hunter wellies for walks through the field etc.
Both shoes are the perfect choice for rainy weather. I’ve worn my Docs every day in winter, even when there was a huge amount of snow.
You can style both boots with skinny jeans, jumpers, skirts and tights…. but you need. I repeat: you need a pair of cool cozy socks.
bottom left: TOPSHOP socks
the rest: Primark (all over-the-knee socks)

or in my opinion the best choice for wellies:

hope you all have warm feet.
Oh and I am absolutely in love with the pattern and the colour of those boots.




Oh this is seriously the worst heading I have ever come up with it. I deeply apologize for the lack of a post yesterday. The first week of my oh-so-well-plannes schedule and I already fail on the second day. tststs well done Lina

Back to the topic: Weeks and weeks of final exams are now over. I’m so glad that I won’t have to write a test in school ever again, but the tension of not knowing the exam results is driving me insane. Literally. But what feels extremely weird is that now, even after 12 years of school I’ll have to head over to Uni for the next five to six years. What I ask myself is what new stuff am I going to learn at Uni? How to completely loose your social life during exam period, how to down hell of a lot of shots in the shortest time possible or better how to pay back 50k + in student loans? And by the way I think that charging student thousands of dollars or euros or pounds as tuition fees is justified. Shouldn’t it be the government’s intention to offers the best education possible to everyone that is smart and not to everyone that can afford it?

Oh and now to my 7 weeks of bad luck

1. I sadly had to decline all of the five  UCAS university offers I received due to financial reasons (and also I don’t think starting your work-life with a debt of 50,000 quids is the right way)


2. Shortly after that we (me and many people from our year) had a post-maths-exam BBQ. One of the boys from my year had a few drinks too much and drunkely decided to have an adventure. one second later I see him riding my bike up the hill. While coming back down he slips and falls. Nice one boy. The problem was that I was the only sober one left and I had to take care of him. Turns out he broke his jaw and completely wrecked my beloved CUBE-bike. And now (3 weeks later) he is pretending he wasn’t even drunk (sure thing, he started drinking a good five hours prior and was going at an incredible pace) and he’s hoping insurance will pay for it. Of course they’ll pay for something you’ve done when you were drunk without the owners consent. (I hope you note my sarcasm here)
If it would have been me I would’ve been extremely ashamed and would have paid the money necessary for the bike repair immediately.
Some people just aren’t ashamed of anything.

3. One and a half week after the car incident I had motorbike accident. And all the awards for bad luck go to…… *drumroll please* Lina.
There was an oil trail on the street which I didn’t notice until I was kissing the concrete after I tried to brake. Now that motorbike is wrecked too.

Thanks Karma. You are a bitch. No not really karma, but I guess real life is one.

In conclusion: Real life’s a bitch. Sometimes.




Monday, 27 May 2013



Flower Crown from asos marketplace – I absolutely need one of these for my prom outfit, this one is gorgeous

Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher – sometimes a good love story is perfect for us lonely single people. I am very curious if this books is actually good, but I hope it is.

Wild Mint Candle by the White Candle Company – I need some of that super-perfect-incredibly-nice smelling candles, because who can’t think better in the presence of a few subtle candles?

crop shirts in general (this one’s froma asos) – they’d be perfect for summer (even though summer’s not here yet)

sketch from me (my tumblr) – thought I add some ‘art’, because I can



Sunday, 26 May 2013


I don't know who else might have thought of these bad puns, but is Linas-incredibly-creatively-invented schedule.

Monday must-haves (will feature books, fashion, ..)

Tuesday whatever

Wednesday wisdom


Friday fun (aka: new video)

Saturday story-time

Sunday sounds

We’ll probably do some alterations in the future, but that’s it for now.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend




Hey peeps,

here is some stuff you should have a listen to, because is amazing.

Kodaline – High Hopes

One Night Only – Say You Don’t Want It

The 1975 – Chocolate

The Killers – Mr.Brightside

Paramore – Ignorance

Oh and on Tuesday I have a humongous art exam, I am basically drowning in revision and books. Well see how that goes.



Tuesday, 21 May 2013

30 DAY SNAP -JUNE 2013-

Sometimes live just happens so fast, that it would be nice to slow down sometimes and just take a look at all the cool things that happened.

That’s the reason why I am going to take a picture every day in June to keep some memories. Maybe we could do this together?
30day snap
May this summer be the best summer ever.


Wednesday, 8 May 2013


I always assumed that the day you grow up you suddendly know who you are and what you want to do. But that’s incredibly wrong. The future grows like olives on a tree. At the beginning of summer they are still tiny babies but the faster autumn approaches the bigger they get no matter if there is enough water or a thousand thunderstorms.

We can’t stop it.

It’s a continuous process.

Just like those olives our dreams grow bigger and stronger. And as soon as the season is over they are ready to be picked. But as humans we are curious we don’t know which olive exactly contains what we wish for. But we want the right one even if we don’t have the slightest clue what right means for us.
It seems to me that many people choose their olive with their eyes closed hoping that it’d be the right one. We don’t know what the perfect olive should be like yet we somewhy always think we are sure about the seemingly foul ones. How should we know what’s wrong if we don’t know what’s right?

We can’t.

Because there is no right or wrong. Do what feels right for you and what makes you happy. Just don’t loose yourself on the way. Yes, you change, you evolve that’s what life’s all about, but don’t forget who you are.


Tuesday, 7 May 2013


One day, no matter how hard you’re trying to avoid it, you’ll realize that you have grown up. That you are no longer the little child in kindergarden. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are 18 yet, but it means that your soul has evolved, you've grown as an individual. And it most importantly means that you have to stand on your own feet from now on. 

I think that is the biggest and also the most frightening part. You suddendly realize that it’s all your choice. Whether you go to Uni or you do a gap year or you try to find work.. it all depends on you. The road that you take, the decisions and the mistakes that you make and will make. 

And this scares the crap out of me.
 Not having a pre-made plan, having to figure everything out on your own, not being sure who you really are and what you really want, trying to go out there and do your thing without leaving anything or anyone important behind.

